Good Mix But Not Her Best
By Bob Foss
This is a good mix of English and Japanese language pop and if you like Bonnie, you'll like this album. Compared to some of her previous albums, though, it's not as good in terms of song quality and execution. I'll buy some of these but not the whole album. Part of the reason I didn't give this a 5 star rating is that in trying to appeal to the mass market, she copies the styles of other J-Pop artists and trys to present a similar sound. In the first song, Is This Love, she could be Utada Hikaru or maybe even non-J-Pop stars like Mariah Carey. Like some other people who bought some of the songs, I like her more Japanese-sounding ones like #14, Nagare-Boshi. But Bonnie is still sweet, sexy, and her great song Ring A Bell from another album should have been promoted more on the U.S. charts. I like her a lot...I just hope she sticks to her J-Pop sound and doesn't fall victim to sounding more like Western pop female artists.