
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Lyrically

    By Hdmolock
    This is the mouse we want to hear!
  • Joey

    By Peterk66
    Man he is soooo underrated. He truly is incredible and one of the best. Personally for me hes my favorite rapper of all time just behind Em. Hes truly the definition of real hip hop and im really glad i discovered him
  • MM4

    By Barelyholdinon
    I love this album. Like somebody said I got it off datpiff before it was on here. There's a lot of differences between the two. So if you wanna pick up some songs iTunes doesn't have hit up datpiff. Ps what up with the 2 different inseparable instrumentals?
  • Great album

    By Calvin...cooper
    I heard one song on pandora and I had to download this album I don't like alot of rappers but joe bidder is one of my favorites
  • Joe Budden

    By Chrisp45
    Argubly one of the best lyrical rappers ever!
  • Great artist

    By The D1az
    It's missing the song if all else fails, but still an amazing cd.
  • Mixtape version better

    By jarynj6
    This version is really good, but since getting most of the samples cleared was too much of a hassle, the retail album does not feature the original versions of the songs... Purchase this but DEFINITELY download the free version as well.

    By dm16jr
    I've heard this a million times & it never gets old. Hot album with some deep songs like 1000 Faces, Sober Up, Inseparable. Lyrically Joey is in a class of his own.
  • datpiff

    By .datpiff
    not to take away this mans money...but this "album" is on datpiff as a mixtape to download for free...if you support him download it off of itunes if you want to listen to it before you buy it then hit up datpiff...
  • Dope

    By Zachhand
    Literally one of the best CDs I've bought