Don't Mess With The-Time Man - Halestorm

Don't Mess With The-Time Man


  • Genre: Hard Rock
  • Release Date: 1999-04-20
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 6


Title Artist Time
Time Man Halestorm 5:13
No Clue Halestorm 4:30
Interesting Halestorm 4:38
As the Eagle Flies Halestorm 6:39
Wings Halestorm 4:00
You and I Could Fly Halestorm 5:07


  • Just to clear some things up...

    By drummermad
    This is NOT the halestorm we all know and love today; it is the founding siblings of halestorm, Lzzy (vocals, guitar) and Arejay (drums), when Lzzy was 16 and Arejay was 13. People seem to be confused about that.
  • Must Have For Die Hard Fans!

    By Komatose82
    I have been meaning to do a review for some time now and finally am getting around to it. What I love most about this is that it shows how much both Hales have grown. I give it 4 stars based on their age at the time and their experience-not where they are now. Also it's based on the fact that I absolutely love anything Lzzy does! For the previous reviewers-DO NOT review unless you know what you're talking about! THIS is HALESTORM and NO it's not the sound they have now but find me a band that has the same sound now that they had when they were pre teen or even teenagers! It still rocks!
  • It's Halestorm

    By Stormchaser1
    This album was released on an indie label in 1999. Lzzy is 28 now, so she would have been 15 when this was released, and Arejay would have been like 12. I'm pretty sure their Dad was playing the bass on these songs. Anyone that knows the band knows that they have been playing together for about 15 years, and this early album is the fruit of that.
  • Its still Halestorm...

    By Blazegirl
    ...just when they were younger and trying to find a sound that worked for them...this wasnt it thank god.
  • Wow talk about bad

    By Southalltheway
    I have to agree this was just painful to listen to

    By aschuster4379
    This is the same Halestorm from One and Done as well as their studio album by the same name. I've been following this band for about 5 years now and definitely know that this is their album. If you don't believe me, check out their Wikipedia page... they've been making music since Lizzy was 13 and Arejay was 10. This is pre-Atlantic Records (way pre) so that's why it's not listed on their discography.
  • No comparison

    By Angvelka
    Yikes! I LOVE the new Halestorm, but this was painful. It's extremely amateur. Her voice is shaky, pitchy, and obviously childish. NOTHING like the awesomeness that she is now. Purchase under advisement...
  • It actually is Halestorm

    By GeauxFan
    Do not listen to the previous reviewer that said it is not Halestorm. He is poorly infotmed. It actually is, with Josh and Lizzy's dad playing bass from what I understand. Line up changes obviously ensued at a later date... Current stuff is better, but this is worth owning if you are a fan...
  • Uh....

    By cat42698
    This doesn't sound like all.... Their current sound in my opinoin is MUCH better than this I am not even sure you can call this rock. Some people might like this version of them better ,but to me I like the new version of them better.
  • Dude

    By musicshiekgeek
    Hearing Time Man reminds me of first seeing Halestorm. Where they had a rotating Drum kit. It just takes me back

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