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Title Artist Time


  • ¡Gran Álbum!

    By Connoisseurmusical
    Se tiene que tener apreciación por el sonido urbano, la chica es muy buena en el micro, me encanto su bolaboración que hizo con Control Machete, buenisímo me encantó.
  • amazing live performance!

    By la_loca
    I actually went to this performance in Soho at the Apple store...she literally brought the house down! (even though I got there late and it was suuuuper packed...oops!). The album "1977" is one of my faves of the year and this live one is also worth every penny I spent on it! she's got serious FLOW!
  • Killer Flow you gotta respect that "1977"

    By The 13thConstant
    You dont even have to speak spanish to dig her. I hope she does something in english someday. That would be dope
  • Wow!!! Ana sure blew my mind away!!

    By klubska
    Great hip hop! Reminds me a little of Calle 13 they should both make a song together! Great music get it NOW!
  • thumbs up!

    By duke francisco
    Fantastic music. I don't know how anybody could listen to this and not enjoy it. Even if you don't speak Spanish it's great.
  • Get it!

    By Nightcrawler1976
    One of my favorite artists now!! And this EP totally awesome even if u don't know Spanish I totally recommend it
  • Krazzy

    By kev nyce
    I don't know Spanish that well , but I do know good hiphop when I hear it . These kuts are a sonic treasure and verbally delightful , if nothing else real hiphop that keeps your finger on repeat! Trust ..
  • As Usual.... Sooooo good!!

    By KarinaRain
    If u haven't bought her full album, check this one and even if u have.... Get it anyway!! I've digged this chick from the second I heard of her thanks to Dj Ethos.... (Great combo by the way) and can't speak more highly about her skill! I'm so happy I know Spanish, even if I didn't, I'd still bop my head to her stuff. She needs to BLOW UP! Go Ana!!!
  • Ana Live is one of the best shows I've seen in 2010

    By lazylatino
    Ana has completely blown me away this year. Her album and song is in my Top 10 best of list for 2010. In a era where hip hop is all about bling, it is refreshing to hear an artist bring flowing in what I feel to be the pure essence of hip hop. And to come from a Latina, is just that much more incredible. I know there is good Latin hip hop out there, its time to bring it to the forefront and end the raggaeton craze, and this album was a great way to start this revolution.
  • Cristian

    By chris108
    Nice !