a classic soundtrack to a classic game
By heerogunkenobi15
final fantasy XIV is the greatest video game in the world a true classic the best of the best square-enix are gods they are the greatest video game company in the world there true genius's and the soundtrack is just as good buy the soundtrack and buy the game you wont be sorry
Absolute Purity
By Reuel Woodhouse
The brilliance of Nobuo Uematsu. It's an ever going story within the music itself, why even play the game? This album brings everything that once was and now is in music, it sounds foolish to say so, but it harmonises sounds within your head. Call it music therapy!
Nobuo's Soundtracks are always great but...
By Love That Music
Where is "Answers", the vocal theme performed by Susan Calloway???!!! I love that song and wish it was available! Where is it?
Uematsu never ceases to amaze me
By Chosek Lazzaria
I've literally been a fan of his music for the past 14 years and was disappointed when he stopped music for the series since ffxi. I mean there were good tunes here and there in the recent games (excluding the crap from 12) but it never summed up to my expectations. The music for xiv is amazing, and i applaud as well as bow to the master composer that he is.
Nobuo Uematsu adds polish to an unfinished game.
By SereneAurora
Nobuo Uematsu is at his finest here. The melodies here are beautiful and haunting, suiting their respective areas without being overpowering like we've come to expect from Nobuo. This version of the Prelude is one of the most beautiful that's been released in some time, the bells add a unique flair to this well known tune. Emerald Labyrinth is an enchanting song that suits the forests of Gridania, and makes you remember some of the magic hidden there.
I won't be seeing some of these areas and events until the game improves. I'm glad I can still enjoy the full soundtrack without having to tolerate the game itself in its unfinished state.
By Bebakhsheed
Seriously some amazing tracks on this album. I don't even have to see the game to be able to see the areas the songs are ment for.