Still Great
By cdsport13
While many fans said this ATS was their worst album, I though it was fantastic. Not as good as their old material obviously, but awesome nonetheless. This was one of the best tracks from the record, and a decent remix thrown in. Not a must-have purchase, but a good one. Love LP!
Linkin Park is still Linkin Park
By alien_lasers
I don't really care that you "miss the old linkin park" because it's still the same band, they've just evolved. If you don't like it then don't buy it, simple as that.
I like it
By Abel1998
All of there songs are great
Waiting For The End
By Brandon3116
Great song
Linkin park is dead! :(
By swampfoxiz
The music used to be A-grade
But I guess all things are gonna fade
At the start
The music had heart
With the awesome beat and a killer rap
There was nothing i could do but let my feet tap
Cause im sorry, but this new stuff sounds like crap
So dear linkin park, you used to be cool
But now you're just a freakin tool
Yeah you wrote a song 'in the end'
But please, for music's sake dont let this be the end
Old linkin park way better
By Awesomeooo
It ok but old songs are better
breaking the habit to listening
By Ryan the Riot
well i guess all good must come to an end R.I.P Linkin Park the hard rock heros will be missed
By Yuan.n
I like it
By The Dirty John
Easily one of my favorite LP songs along with lying from you and in the end, \m/>.<\m/
luvvvvv itttttttttttttttttttttt
By BrianaPlant
linkin park is amazing and never ever can live without thier music luvv to linkin park!! <3