The best children's songs ever!!!!
By Cwgrl222
My kids and I love to listen to these songs. They never get old and you never out grow them :)
By tomommie
I grew up listening to these songs and now my two year old is listening to them!!! Timeless childrens songs!
Wonderful music. Brings back my childhood!
By dclaiborne
I used to adore these songs when I was younger. I would watch BabySongs everyday!!! I'm so happy to hear them again and be able to share them with the kids I work with! A wonderful collection for any young child.
My mommy comes back
By acottrell88
Oh my goodness!!! I remember all of these songs. We had Baby Songs recorded and I watched them for years. My favorite song was always My Mommy Comes Back. I still sing the chorus now and I'm 20! So many memories aare with these songs. Glad I found these.
By littlebearsmom
When I was about 10 my parents took us on a trip across country, we listened to the old Babysongs the whole way. Now that I am grown and have a child of my own I think fondly of the songs about milestones in a childs life. I went searching for the babysongs cd only to find the old songs with some new on this recording. These are now favorites of my sons too. Hap Palmer is great and I have no problem recomending any of his work. I have many of his recording both when I was a child, for my son, and as a kindergarten teacher. They teach and most of all, they are FUN!
Peek-A-Boo and Other Songs for Young Children
By Grammy C
These are really sweet little songs for young children. I wanted something I could listen to and sing along with my 8 month old Grandson when he comes for a visit.
So cute...
By The Gr8 LJ
I grew up watching these on "Baby Songs", and now my lil brothers and sisters are listening to them too. It's one of those things you have to listen to as a kid, like sesame street or Mr. Rogers (rest in peace). Definitely worth a look! (esp. My Mommy Comes back)