By PsychoPanda025
Del doesn't make anything from this
Buy the albums they came from
By acuity photography
Quite simply, buy the albums the music came from. Support your brother, not the sleazy plantation owners trying to make money off of him.
Not really the "best" of del
By kevin moss
If you want his good stuff check out "no need for alarm" or "deltron3030"
By Po Yeh Chiu
I love Del, but don't buy this album.
It was made my Elektra without his permission solely because they wanted to profit off him.
If you're down with Del, don't buy this
By little planet
Del does not approve of this album, so don't buy it. Enough said. Definitely go check out his other stuff though.
Just saying something
By Metrostar 57
If you guys like del (I do ) look up Clint eastwood and rock the house. Del rapps in them.
By Waning
I love it. It's gust go with the flow
Dude, You're Getting Tha DEL.
By GRAVE$222
Music Industry FACT/ Sad but true
money is made off of ideas & lyrics. . . . If they're Del's ideas . . . . they're Del's ideas. . . . . it's like the guy who left a sheet of paper with
some sketches on it, and then sees his ideas on a commercial. . . & say's hey they can't do that, that's my idea. . . . . . . .This is the same case.
Sorry DEL, but you're a badass, always will be, and in my mind, even if you don't get a dime off of this CD. . . . . You're THE reason I am buying it.
I can't not buy this collection. . . . it's too good. Music is an art, and art is controversial. Controversy brings attention with it, and attention will shed light on the TRUTH, and the TRUTH is that Elektra are thieves. . . which makes DEL. . . . . THE Funky Homosapien
It's Del
By dparra3
Plain and simple these are good tracks. I love Made In America, Catch a Bad One (Remix) and of course Mistadobalina. I do wish If You Must was on here though. I mean their classic songs so no one should be surprised by the content. Del is different and makes things real interesting.
Do NOT buy
By Do0dle
Del is an AMAZING artist but go buy his actual cd's. This album was put forth without his permission in order for Elektra to make money off of del. He doesn't want people to buy this one. Support this amazing artist and don't support Elektra's attempt at making some money off this cd.