
  • Genre:
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Title Artist Time


  • Gorgeous from the start

    By RatherBeSurfing82
    A legend was born
  • Not as good as mighty, but still worthwhile

    By ElBizcocho
    The songs on this album suffer from a lack of the expensive production that a band like Lord Huron needs, and they lack the jaw dropping epic feel of "The Stranger", but they are still very cool, chill, catchy songs. The problem with your daughter is my favorite
  • Great sound

    By Carrie Donovan
    For fans of Fleet Foxes
  • A staple for the summer.

    By Julie Hembree
    Lord Huron never fails to brighten my mood with their tropical/folk-pop groove. The Problem With Your Daughter is an explosion of summer nostalgia and is the perfect mix for car rides with the windows down. Gotta love these guys.
  • Amazing

    By Detroit Deacon
    Thank you Paste! This is a great album.
  • tropical & beautiful & catchy. buy this now.

    By keaton14
    this album is the perfect thing for a summertime motorbike ride through bali or a wintertime drive in your crappy toyota through new jersey when you wish you were in bali. tropical and beautiful and catchy all at the same time. you will listen to this album often and, no matter how many times you've listened, it will always make you smile.