By Smalljoe
This originally Machel's song but I like this version too.....
By Breezy_one
more machel
By Irunnyc
itunes need to have more machel montano hits
By Freson10
Pitbull is the best
I'm Likin' It
By Royinferno
Sexy beat
Great Feel Good Summer Jam!!!!
By MistrCarter
This is a great summer feel good joint. Pitbull stay makin hits with a powerful positive message...
stop hating
By trin-tAstic
all his tunes in da club make each one of y'all wana dance
um.... idk
By Helpm
the song is not even close for me to say its an "ok" song. he has all the same beats and other stuff in all his songs. like hotel room service or i know you want me. its the same beats, just mixed up in a different way, and speed. come on pit, make something better, something similar to Shutdown, it was a lil better than his other songs (in my opinion) but this song im sorry its a crap bag to me.
change it up already!
By SimonLuque
come on Pit, it's time to change up the flavor of the beat. You have been working of the same sound for way too long now son
This is an amzing song
By Brando12151
He is a really good singer. He makes the best party songs keep it coming;p