Chase the Tear - Single - Portishead

Chase the Tear - Single


  • Genre: Alternative
  • Release Date: 2010-05-23
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 1

  • ℗ 2009 Portishead exclusively licensed to Amnesty International UK Section Ltd.


Title Artist Time
Chase the Tear Portishead 5:15


  • So dark and sexual

    By =awesome
    Portishead, wonder if the band reads these. You guys push the envelope with every album. Every time you change, I'm changing with you and need to hear something beautiful to bring me back to love. Your beats are so versatile. Sexy, all the way to political. Keep on the road Portishead! You have fans that understand you, your music moves us.
  • Just buy it

    By Wesley Raven
    I don't know how Portishead keeps doing it, but they find the perfect balance of making something new and unique while keeping that perfect feel you know and love.
  • Okay but..

    By aleubean
    While I agree this won't be getting enough airplay, it's neither weird nor groundbreaking. It's an ordinary song and nothing else. I might even argue it's bordering pop as well. I don't hate it but so?
  • Portishead- Do they still connect?

    By MrBahumbug
    No doubt Portishead changed. But when I consider the band changing, I try to figure one of the two things: (1) that they are maturing as a band and as individuals in this perspective of life, and thus their music changed. And (2) they let it all "go to their head" and the new music is a product of their ego. If anything, let those two options determine whether they are remaining true musicians. They had more than enough time to get some creativity going. With that said, I thought Third was incredible. Admittedly, there were some songs on Dummy and Portishead that I couldn't get into, but more over I appreciated them. I loved Beth's vocals and the band itself had some incredible instrumentals and experimentations. They had a lot of soul. Now, with Third out, I can only begin to say that it is different. But, in my opinion, it is a favorable difference. As for whether they are a consistently soulful artist (for you don't have to agree with the band music-wise to respect the soul they put out in their albums) I would definitely say they haven't let their ego catch up with them. They remained balanced and their music still "connects", flows, and produces a creative feeling.
  • Love Portishead!!!

    By Silvasnj4
    Love this song, I like all of Portishead's work, I've been such a fan since they first started out, I was a young adult in 1990 so I won't be dating myself that much, but I have to say I agree with V.Castillo all the way! I love their work, all they do with music pushes them to the limits of what others only dare / wish they could do. I don't mean to compare them with BJORK, BTW - I'm a huge fan of them both, but these two groups are the only ones out there that do stuff that goes against the odds. I beleive it takes a certain kind of intelligence, creativity as well as understanding on what their music is about. I love all of Portishead's work & I say keep up the good stuff & the "true" fans will stay true!
  • 5 stars

    By onescaredcat2
    If only we had a whole album, i'll pretend to be patient.
  • nothing special

    By Coyne95
    Not the Portishead I(We) know,nothing special,I really hope for a new album soon,with maybe some dubstep influences,but still trip hop,
  • Yay, Portishead!

    By sitcojotmojo
    Definitely an improvement from Third. It seems like they have polished the new sound they initiated on that album and it has headed in a very sexy new direction.
  • Always a pleasure....

    By marsem1
    The more you listen to this song the more you LOVE IT.... great single. I love the EVOLUTION of this band. Always INNOVATIVE....and the rest follows. Can't wait for the Album.
  • sweet

    By blake hourigan
    love it. now dont wait 10 years for more greatness

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