talib put the kweli in quality!
By FunCrusherOne
this album is great!! my only beef is j cole in just begun..he is terrible i don't know whos idea it was to pair that kid up with jay electronica and mos def! that doesnt fit at all..hit verse is whack too..but thats my only complaint..i just edited out his verse in pro tools any way lol
By ralph32
Great album!! But this album came out in 2010 not 2000!!! Get it right iTunes!!
Let's Be Honest...
By Pardon the sense I’m making.
Let's be honest here people...everyone has illegally downloaded music in the past..but if you illegally download this? The supporters of Real Rap will hunt. you. down. I personally will be among that group doing the hunting. Come on people..12 dollars is the same amount as a meal from McDonalds these days..skip the fatty foods and stock up on intelligence and intuitiveness instead.
Real Hip Hop is Right Here!!!
By Dj Napalm
I'm so energized by the flow and production on this album. "Just Begun" is so serious. Why can't rappers get back to creating real hip? I love this.
Solid Work Ethic
By PoetmanTexas
Haven't heard a solid Hip-hop album like this since The Roots, "Game Theory" back in '05. This is without a doubt the best Rap album of 2010. Talib is the best emcee out there.
The best
By astrosteve
I'd never heard of Reflection Eternal until a few months ago. Like a lot of people, I was totally into Jay Electronica's "Exhibit C." I thought, "I wonder what else he's done?" and I found Just Begun. I listened to it and thought, "Who the hell are these guys and why haven't I been listening to them?" That was just after this album came out. I bought it and loved it. I bought everything else I could find that Reflection Eternal had ever done. I loved it all. If Revolutions Per Minute doesn't win Album of the Year for 2010, something is horribly, horribly wrong with the music industry.
The dopest lyricist.
ONe of the greatest hip hop albums. Best lyricist by far#1111111111, 2 pac #2 , Biggie #3
By Jaiiclops
Damn how come i never heared about this comming out
best hip-hop album of the year
By "BadBoy Killer"
The entire album is full of thought provoking poetry. It's a shame that's why it will not get main stream air play.This album is for old school and new school hip-hop fans that like rhyming that has real meaning! I truly recommend suporting these artist by buying the hard cd copy at the record store you won't be diappointed
By #BasedTYBG
This is real hip hop