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Title Artist Time


  • Deja Vu

    By Face McGillicutty
    I was at this show right before they torn down JFK stadium. The Dead made the job easy for them because they shook the place! Listening to this brings you back to warm summer night shows and long nights. When I close my eyes I’m right back there, we have all been here before. Loser and Wharf Rat are outstanding but I’m Jerry biased! A must have for any collection.
  • My First Dead Show

    By Jmil2
    This was my first show and introduced me to the experience of the Grateful Dead. We sat furthest from the stage at JFK which was shaped like a horseshoe. We actually got to watch 2 shows, the Dead and the crowd reacting to this music. It touched both my heart and soul.
  • First gd experience

    By Jakesofhazzard
    Wow I haven't looked back much on GD. I was a punk rocker/skater in this era and a friend assured me it would be fun to go to a show and since I likes drugs I said ok. I actually attended my last few shows spring of this year before moving. Between july4 87 and spring of 89 inwent to 40somethin shows and had a hell of a lot of fun I'll obviously never forget. Maybe all the acid and shrooms help induce the intense memories/feelings I get now when I so rarely open Pandora's box and listen. Like I travel back on the mighty shoulders of the grateful sailing ship. And its like its so special and weird of a memory I don't want to misuse it. Cheers to all who were able to experience the band. And to those too young, indulge In all the video and music . Its better than nothing. Because there will never, ever, be again.
  • 90's Haters

    By Michael Antonioli
    Lots of heads are always hating on the Dead in the 90's, and they did have some bad shows..........This is not one of them, Brett's "Blow Away" will blow your socks off, true emotion.
  • who is the grateful dead?

    By JohnnyGD
    Q: why do they play this incredible music? A: you can look around about the wide world over but you'll never find another great band.....great band.
  • Grateful to the Dead

    By JDZ28
    We don't care how many shows you've been to or if you were at a specific show. Review the music, this cd is worth it, and it sounds great. They're all really good songs too
  • Life changing event

    By LyonsMcFresh
    How can you go wrong with this???
  • Amazing Show

    By deadsurfer
    If you were there then thats all that needs to be said. If not, the boyz were on and this is one show you must have. The show was almost canceled because of fears that JFK would crumble under the weight. The last show in that great venue. Thank you for a real good time!!!
  • A Wharf Rat Blown Away while Standin on the Moon!

    By JayDeeBig3
    I can say without any doubt this is my favorite 80's show of the guys, heck it even holds a place in my top 5 ever. When I found out this show was to be given the "treatment", as I like to call the commercialisation of tapes, I was not the least bit discouraged. I've had a FLAC of it ever since I've been a DeadHead, 4 yrs, and automatically knew I had to buy this release based on my FLAC's quality of performance. Don't mislead yourself by thinking I possibly couldn't be Deadicated to a serious degree being a 'Head of only 4 yrs, for the guys were only together for the first 5 yrs of my life. With that said, Blow Away, well it does just that. Brent, god rest him, is killer and doesn't let up for even a fraction of a second. Scarlet>Fire, which is usually consistent in being the highlight of any show it's featured in as well as my favorite, is lurking in the shadow casted by Blow Away. Ol' Jerry boy sounds like his frets are on fire during Stuck Inside of Mobile and no sooner does he swap that fire for veins full of ice-water on Standing On The Moon. This version of Wharf Rat has always been my absolute favorite and this release just reinforces my love of it. Epitome of the classic funkiness that is Brent Mydland's keyboard styles. Jerry's vox and instrumentation show twinkles and flashes of what made The Grateful Dead a tour-de-force in the 70's to early 80's. Keep 'em comin and kudos to you, Mr. Lemieux!
  • Amazing Show!

    By RMFanning
    I went to see the film version of this show in the theater, and it was incredible! This is such a great show! An incredible Scarlet Fire, and in '89 too! A big group of people were up dancing on stage during the show (until some idiot fell off and broke his wrist and security kicked us off.) But watching this show was incredible, and its quite a great set!