The Concept Album to End All Concept Albums
By genesis-9
A number of years back, my local classic rock radio station asked it's listeners in a poll what they thought was the greastest rock concept album ever. Even though it would be followed by other concept albums in later years, most notably Pink Floyd's "The Wall", even that record could only reach #2 on the list.
"The Lamb" reigned supreme above all others.
At the time of it's initial release, Genesis were still in a boatload of debt, but they were building a huge cult following. Outspoken vocalist Peter Gabriel believed a concept album telling his own story about the bizarre misadventure of a Puerto Rican youth in New York City would be the way to break Genesis out of the red. His bandmates reluctantly agreed.
Gabriel's strategy worked as "The Lamb" gradually became a hit with audiences everywhere. But by the end of the supporting tour, Gabriel was gone, feeling he was trapped in a vicious cycle and would be unable to pursue other ventures.
With all that being said, "The Lamb" is still a strong masterpiece fifty years later. The title track, "In The Cage", and "Carpet Crawlers" became fan favorites, and Brian Eno added several effects to multiple tracks in one of his first professional music jobs. Still, the album is a long and daunting listen, but hearing the record in it's entirity is the only way to fully appreciate it. It took me several listens until I "got" the album, but I agree with 97 Rock's listeners: when it comes to rock concept albums, this is the GOAT!
A masterpiece made perfect
By ducatiluca
An album I’ve always adored, but wow, the new mix really brings out details and givers the drums and bass the space they deserved. While providing clarity to the keys and vox. Brilliant work.
Cometo think of it it is extraordinary since they had to replicate Efx and a mix that was done decades ago whilst bettering it. Wow
Completely butchered!
By huckle71
The dissolves from one song to the next to create the illusion of one seamless symphony have been eliminated and several songs just jump start and it ruins the flow and mood the band intended that one gets if you listen to the album on vinyl or cd. Just awful and shameful to destroy this masterpiece this way. I had such high hopes after reading the reviews and after the horrible butchering that windows media player committed on my music by adding little gaps between tracks.I was truly hoping that this problem would no longer occur and that I would be treated to the seamless flow of the brilliant music but it’s exactly like windows media player. I’m wondering if other people had this experience as well?
Finally Peter
By Aloysius107
This is probably one of the best albums I’ve ever listened to. I’m talking Ziggy era, Cream, Zep, Skynyrd,CSNY,King Crimson,Tull,Yes,etc... you get my drift. All of the great groups growing up. This is by far Gabriel’s greatest piece of work.
why not also offer the original in addition to this one?
By tom_in_md
Funny how you imprint on a specific version, but the original still has it over this slight retweaking. Would it hurt to offer both versions?
A Great Story Rarely Told.
By Raintide Bunnyfox
Why did this take so long................?
As good as music gets!
By AnalogPro
The remastering has its pros and cons yet the music remains fantastic after all these years. Best album ever!
Academy of Music '74
By RunningDrum
Yes! Saw this show in NYC so many years ago. It was a brilliant then and the music remains so today. Grateful to see the album is finally available on iTunes.
The best Genesis album by far
By dplatt
This is without a doubt the best Genesis album The music and the lyrics are sublime. Everyone is at their peak. Eno adds some soundscapes on this record as well.
Almost a decade wait and finally here
By ClaptonsWig
I’ve seriously been waiting for this album for as long as I’ve had an iPhone and could buy songs from the store. They’ve had every studio album besides this one for whatever reason but I can finally enjoy it. Phenomenal album start to finish and just as trippy as any good prog rock band should be