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  • Great Album

    By Hbzbop
    Top to finish, great album. Including the spacey “Dolls”

    By CircusOfPower
    Need this remastered...Excellent album, but very thin in production.
  • Ace’s return

    By DwightFrye
    This album was a long time in the making. Four years after his departure from Kiss, Ace returned with the aptly titled Frehley’s Comet. The presence of Anton Fig, who drummed on Frehley’s excellent 1978 solo album, is welcomed here. However, this album is somewhat of a letdown. I’ve never liked Todd Howarth’s dying cat vocals. His prominence on this release knocks it down a few notches for me. That’s not to say this doesn’t have its moments. Rock Soldiers and We Got Your Rock are bonafide Ace classics. I’ve always liked Love Me Right and Dolls as well, not to mention Fractured Too. There’s still plenty to like but Ace should’ve kept Howarth away from the mic and had him stick to rhythm guitar. This release suffers for it.
  • Eco pest

    By Eco pest
    Ace is back and he told you soooo😎
  • Classic

    By Head Banger & Metal Merchant
    Classic 80's rock
  • sorry ace

    By rush freak 2112
    This is the second time Itunes has scammed me and it's starting to get really annoying when i try to listen to breakout it skips after about 12 seconds and then it also totally skips into the night. I had the same problem when I downloaded Geddy Lee's solo album "My Favorite Headache". Technical issues aside this is an awesome album I love every song that i am able to hear. Keep Rockin' Ace!
  • Stands up to the test of time

    By Death Doom & Thrash Metal Head
    I got this as a junior in high school and 25 years later this still gets played. Highlights for me are the whole album but if you have your doubts, get Something Moved, Into the Night and Dolls which are my personal favorites. There is no filler on this.
  • An 80's Classic...

    By The Ghost Guy
    I love Ace Frehley is KISS and as a solo artist as well. The first Frehley's Comet album is that standard to which all those hair bands should have aspired. Solid playing from Frehley, Tod Howarth, John Regan and Anton Fig. "Rock Soldiers", "Into the Night", "Something Moved" and "We Got Your Rock" were the soundtrack of my life after this album came out and have aged really, really well. Ace is still making great music and Tod puts out an occassional gem every so often but I'd love to see these guys work together again. The band had a real dynamic and I wish it would have lasted more than two albums.
  • Better than KISS at this point in time

    By His awesomeness, Lemmy
    Think about it, KISS was a laughable hair band and Ace and Peter were doing there things, and ace had the most success. ACE RULES, by this album if you like 70's KISS its easy to like. ROCK ON ACE!!
  • I love ace!

    By Acefrehley12000
    This was a good first solo album!! They need to put second sighting and trouble walkin on iTunes though!