We Mapped the World - EP - Joy Williams

We Mapped the World - EP

Joy Williams

  • Genre: Alternative
  • Release Date: 2010-04-05
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 4

  • ℗ 2010 sensibility music LLC


Title Artist Time
We Mapped the World Joy Williams 2:55
Tightrope Joy Williams 3:04
Woman of a City Joy Williams 3:36
Lover, Find Your Cover Joy Williams 3:20


  • In Mourning

    By courtney6071
    I am still in mourning at the break up of the Civil Wars and am hoping something will bring them together again. Finding out that Joy Williams has some awesome music she previously put out is softening the blow... somewhat. Fingers crossed!
  • Sounds Great!

    By Everybody Likes Olaj
    This EP is a big step forward for Joy. Woman Of A City is beautiful and dark, which is a direction I love from her! The production serves these songs, presenting Joy in a new light and the mixes sound spectacular! :)
  • Like a fine wine...

    By K2theninja
    As I have posted before on a review of previous Joy Williams music, Joy is like a fine wine; it keeps getting better with age. As a fan of Joy's music since her debut album, each new album and EP just keeps getting better! Judging by the amount of recent exposure she's gotten with songs popping up on mainstream TV shows and commercials, it's clear I am not the only person to realize this. (I still think 'Up means down to me' should be used in a Target commercial, and that 'It doesn't get better than this' should have been used for Heresy Bliss chocolates instead of the current but still awesome Oscar Meyer's campagain)
  • Joy helps us all get lost.

    By BrittanyMiche
    In a world filled with things we just don't want to do, situations we don't want to be in, places we don't want to go, people we don't want to talk to, Joy makes music that helps us all get lost and leave it all. I just wish we could stay there forever. Joy, please make more! : )
  • Not as enchanting

    By Jonathan Ruiz (Modesto, California, USA)
    The EP starts off in right ignition. The title track, "We Mapped the World" is captivating and calls the listener to a musical voyage which doesn't turn out to be so exciting at the the end. The problem with the rest of the songs is that they all seem to keep the same tempo and to drag on. I love Joy Williams and her latest works, but I feel as though she is trying to hard to be "unique". Just relax Joy and make music. The songs are good, but they aren't necessarily the greatest material. The first track is the only one that seems to stand out and be a delight. Somewhat the rest are like side tracks on a regular album that you may seem to skip to get to the really good ones. I appreciate the lyrics and creative force behind this small project, but personally it was my least favorite EP of Joy. All in all, it's a decent treat, but just not so enchanting as the previous EPs. -Jon R (if you diasgree with me, it's fine, I understand your point, this is just coming from a huge fan).
  • *does a dance*

    By JimBucket
  • Lovely! Just like Joy.

    By Silverspeak
    I loved every bit of this EP. It's completely original and refreshing. I expect the best from Joy and she always delivers!
  • Amazed

    By Foreigner22
    Joy Williams continues to amaze me ... We Mapped the World is incredible!
  • Beautiful

    By Denver Langhorn
    I think everything she is a part of turns to gold. This EP is haunting and moving! You may not hear her on mainstream radio but you will hear her all over television. Also check out her duo the Civil Wars, incredible! I am a fan and I hope see continues to make music for a long time. Jacob Turnly
  • perfect inspiration

    By revolutionarie
    I am always in need of music that is inspiring, moving and just alot of fun to listen to. As a designer I sit behind my computer all day but good music keeps me inspired and has helped birth amazing new ideas and designs. Joy's music is always on the top of my list because it just makes me happy and inspires me in so many ways. She's one talented artist!

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