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Title Artist Time


  • πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌπŸ‘πŸΌ

    By amandax345
    Such emotion.
  • Not a rock-n-roll album

    By theknack24
    I was disappointed when this album came out in 1976. Most of the songs were depressing and had too many overdubbed strings. Elvis recorded all the songs at his Graceland mansion from Feb 2-8, 1976. "Hurt" was the only 45rpm from album and shows how powerful his voice could be. When he sang it in concert, the whole arena would vibrate! Best song: For the Heart (the only rock song on lp, written by same guy that wrote "Burning Love" Dennis Linde).
  • Buy it!

    By Tmcc62
    I bought this original album as a young teen. Buy it because it's worth it! The King!!!

    By Strobbob
    Although this album has some good moments, it clearly shows the mood & sentiment that was in TCB-land at the time. After talking to most of the participants on this album, they said it was all rather depressing. Worth owning, though.