this is why you buy physical releases
By TechnoGunso
I bought the itunes version years ago when they copy-protected their music and it had the 5 minute version of The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face. Now they don't protect the music anymore, so I downloaded the non-protected higher bitrate version to use on other devices but the version it replaced it with is this new 4 minute version that sounds WORSE than the low bitrate version. The original music is great, but what Apple did to it is not.
It's so much more than one song
By Skrw2011
First I would like to address the heated discussion over this album and it's shorter play of a great song. While it's shorter play is unfortunate this is after all a business, the artist and the holding record label. I feel the intention here is to bring out some of her early and great songs never heard any more. This is a great album worth every penny and I hope it will mean as much to this new generation as it did mine. Her songs were one of the great things I could share with my mother as well.
This is a Masterpiece...
By Jcc328
As a child in the 1970's I remember watching my mother put this album on the record player and listen/sing these songs. Some of the most thought provoking music that I have ever heard. I'm in tears as I type this review. This is a Masterpiece...
Classic debut & classic album for all
By NYC Tunes
If only debut artists albums could reach this scale of pure music and allow us to enjoy for beyond a year, 2 or the next 3, 4or 5 albums. From start to finish a vocal purity that reaches within and takes you there. Share this treasure so more people get to experience and enjoy.
Released in 1969 and after so long still fresh for those who truly listen.
Why is the best track an edit?
By Furbearinvarmit
I agree with the first reviewer, I’ve still got the original Lp, why did Atlantic do this I wonder? The original version length is available on one of her greatest hits but really, why cut the tracks length on the original album.
Not what is real
By pepper45
I am sorry to say, but how dare you try to sale anyone a copy of "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" which is from a radio edit for a $1.29!!!! I will not pay for that under any circumstance. I love this song and I know that this song is actually 5:22 minutes in length from the album "First Take." How do I know? my mom still has the album and I listen to it in its entirety all the time. I would love to have it on my iPod classic, but not a cut version! And if this is deemed inappropriate we both know WHY!!!!
By CynicalCC
She sings so pretty- I am very impressed.
Not religious, but...
By Adam Alf
I've listened to 'I told Jesus' at least 200 times in the past couple of months. Literally, I'm obsessed. I'm starting to worry about myself...
By Jazzi47
First Take
By marenkary
Grew up listening to this. Best thing she ever did!