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Title Artist Time


  • Pretty darn rad -- and that's a good thing.

    By Pandaperson
    I imagine Frank K must be kind of a goofy guy to be around. There's plenty of largely-synthetic techno rock on iTunes these days, and I've always thought the good ones have one thing about their version of it that makes them stand out. In my opinion, Frank's standout quality is blisfully-ignorant goofiness. Viratia is just the latest of his awesome, goofy solo work. As I understand it, this is a concept album for some kinda futuristic spy movie/comic book/cereal box and so the theme for the non-balls-to-the-wall part of the record is bouncy, sneaky spy tunes such as in bits of "Mind Prison" and "Overpower". It even goes down all the way to basically purely ambient stuff with the opening track, something I haven't really heard Frank do before. I like it as setting the scene for a concept album, and since the whole thing is so short I usually want to listen to the whole thing every time. Yeah, on that note, it's just a smidge over half an hour long, so if you have some internal $10 = more than 30 minutes metric then you'll probably want to skip it. For me, though... I can't get enough of this stuff. The riffs are awesome, and the goofiness makes it more awesome. I mean, I remember listening to "Gonna Rock Yo Body" on Morphscape and thinking that Frank couldn't possibly write anything sillier. Or cooler. "Seize the Human Side" is his unconscious response to my thought. All I gotta say is.... touchè. Anyway, I think this thing is sweet and totally worth buying, especially if you already like Frank Klepacki's music. Teh end!