By fanofafan00
His voice <3 Wow... it is so beautiful!
Thank you for this!
By LadyJay43
I love to listen to music from Marvin Sapp & am truly thankful for it. "Here I Am" got me through some really tough times recently; so I thought it was only fitting to write a review.
Best In Me
By Cemery Music
One of my favorite marvin sapp songs
I sing it a lot in & out of church I'm
Praise&Worship Leader @ my church
By alicia bryant
He has his hands on you and best in me are AMAZING i love those songs!
Truly Gifted Brother in the Lord
By Dhane Dee
I you love to sing praises--must have!!!!
By Natori11
Once again Pastor Marvin Sapp has done an outstanding, fantastic job on showing the world how great and awesome our God is. I'm only 12 years old and is flabbergasted by how great God is, now I'm baptized and filled with the precious holy ghost. More than a conquer really helped me believe that God way-making God. And it also helps me to never doubt God. Thank You Pastor Sapp. God has truly saw the best in me. 🙏😊
Great Album!
By Anony-
His music meets you where you are and takes you on a journey to new heights you have never been before with God. It's not too distracting and keeps you focused on the Lord! I love "I Came"!! Such a great way to open this album of goodness!
Warning: you may feel a shout of praise come out while your driving :-)
By João Vítor
Perfect CD, perfects arrangements, whatta great music producer that made this cd! No more words! Simplely perfect! Here in Brazil everybody is enjoying this blessed CD. God Bless u Marvin!
So many Favorites
By Niq101
You're so out of the loop if you don't have this album. There's so many favorites on here that you'll explode from excitement . So inspiring & encouraging !!! You'll be blessed
brought the album concept back
By blindfoldEd lady
i'm 21 years old, so trust me when i say that this entire album is good. this whole album is so uplifting and so inspiring. it's even challenging. it's helps me to step out on faith and do things i've never done before. this is excellence at its finest. outstanding! GOD BLESS AND CONTINUE TO USE you MIGHTILY!! much love - valerie