By johnwporter
I was just introduced to Gadú last week and I cannot stop listening to the album. The first track "Bela Flor" grabbed my attention right away because of the soothing chord progression. A singer/songwriter who truly knows how to work her voice into her own music flawlessly.
Real music, music from the heart full of passion and sensuality. bjs from Miami!
By Hernandez PC
She has a wonderful voice.
By 1nn1n
Her voice is fresh and is just what I needed. This is now my favorite CD
By Guedesric
Muito bom o repertorio, nao conhecia a artista e me surpreendi com a sua voz.
great cd
By Crazy monkey 41
Muito bom q Maria Gadu ja esta no Itunes!! DA-LE BRASIL!!!!
Linda Voz :: Beautiful Voice
By LLuz
Maria Gadu tem uma voz suave, ao mesmo tempo forte.
Lindo o seu CD.
Parabens Gadu.
Passa na casa da Kelly Key, e da um beijo de agradecimento nela. Voce ganhou um fan no momento imediato que eu vi que voce regravou Baba.
So pessoas geniais entendem o quanto bom essa musica eh. Kelly Key eh um SUCESSO.
Baba nao para de tocar no meu iPhone.
Ne Me Quitte Pas esta tambem maravilhoso.
Maria Gadu has a soft voice yet strong.
What a beautiful CD.
Congratulations, Gadu.
Please say thanks to Kelly Key. Because of her, you got a new fan, myself. Your version of Baba is amazing. Just genius musicians know how good this song is. Kelly Key is the BEST.
Baba is now the number one playing on my iPhone.
Ne Me Quitte Pas is also AMAZING!
Never knew I would find her on iTunes
By Miguel T.
Nowadays Brazilian groups are posting them songs in iTunes. That's awesome. (Shimbalaiê rocks!)
By samuquinha
If you're daring enough to venture into the diverse sounds of Brazilian music, let this be your starting point! If there is one thing that is absolutely remarkable about Maria Gadú, it's her voice. Soulful, yet soft and soothing, her vocals perfectly compliment her take on typical Brazilian sounds like samba, axé, bossa nova, etc., as she fuses them with a certain R&B and acoustic flare. To go out on a limb, she's reminiscent of a Brazilian Joss Stone. I enjoyed every minute of this album, and regardless of your understanding of Brazilian music or the Portuguese language, I'm certain you will get a ton of pleasure by just listening to this incredible new artist!
I love it!
By Crisjaeger
I love brazilian song. And I love Maria Gadú. Her voice is sweet. Her musics are great. It's great the way she merge different styles in an unique one.