By tiffanyodom*
nahh sounds too much like ice cream painnt jobb!
By AND-1
Ice Cream Paint Job (REMIX) christmas edition? Dorrough rides ICPJ so Hard!
By suppp_cass
Ice cream paint job much
By ImaNinaj
this song is ok, it takes time getting use to.i wanted to make a comment ok somebody saying he his on gucci mane nuts.Dorrough sounds much better than gucci mane.
By TC,SMiles,Whatever
its ice cream paint job jus with different words. its the exact same beat. and the beats not even that great.
ur not getting lucky again.
By mike789026034687267
Ice cream paint job was an alright no talent song.
Anyone who heard it could tell that he was a one hit wonder.
I thought that that was the last of him but... no. He comes
back with wired to the T and I want. In simple words, Dorrough
wants to be a famous rapper. The thing is he isn't that good.
By h20polofedup
i must admit i love dorrough but all of his songs are so similiar he just makes new verses. This song is hot but if he wants to stay in the game he needs a frekin new beat and not use fresh in every other verse
pretty good
By Etrain4
i actually like this song, it does have the ice cream paint job beat tho, come out wi some new stuff
By Hip hop in need
This kid is whack
By ImmaReviewer
It does sound like Ice Cream Paint Job to much.