Battlestar galactica music
By Bicycle john
oh" the music of bsg, just so awesome, all a long the watch tower, wow! I wish it would come on again. Miss it bad....
By DonDee500k
What can I say about this score and the show that hasn't already been said? Both are extremely awesome and I never get tired of either one.
It's unlike any other TV score out there
By C.P. Ross
Just as Battlestar Galactica pushed boundaries in television and science fiction, the score for all four seasons — including this one — pushed well beyond the boundaries of traditional television music. Bear McCreary's compositions captured and enhanced Battlestar's emotion and conflict, but not in a traditional or cliché way. While a perfect companion for the actual program, most of the music listens great on its own. If you already own the soundtrack to prior seasons, there is plenty of new music to enjoy on this album.
Love this show!!!
By monkee614
I loved this show!!! The soundtrack to it was just beautiful. Especially the last season. Miss this show so much!! :(
By idkchris
improves on the already awesome music of battlestar galactica
Bear is one of the greats
By Darth Draven
If you like his Battlestar work, he also did the soundtrack for the Sarah Conner Chronicles. I tunes needs to pick this up asap
By Gemgal815
I have all four season and was so excited to see season four finally on Itunes. Great music, it was really another character on the show.
A soundtrack that stands on its own
By yohanyoung
Often soundtracks feel like they really are simply audio missing their corresponding video. But McCreary's work stands on its. Season 4 contains some of the best. Glad to finally have BSG soundtracks available for iTunes purchase.
Wonderfully different!
By rbbrunson
I love it! I only wish that the music from the end credits had been included.
By 33Marcus33
Got seasons 2, 3, and 4 but where is season 1? That's got some great songs on it.