Saw in concert
By googlsux
Utter decades ago. The songs are simple but upbeat and if you ever saw them, must say, excellent musicians! Know all their songs!
Brings me back ❤️
By cheaterfive
Brings me WAYYY back ♥️
Devo is awesome
By Anonymous dragon221134
Devo is my favorite band of all time and it is a pain that there real only BIG hit was whip it. But sorry to break it to you. WHIP IT IS OVERRATED. THE SONG IS COMPLETE TRASH AND IT IS A WASTE OF DEVOS POTENTIAL. Buy some other devo songs. You will be surprised how catchy, humorous and cool these songs sound. Why don't you stop reading this review and check out OH NO ITS DEVO. It's a shame that turds from the 80's only buy whip it and nothing else. I am from the 2000's and can actually appreciate not just from one song. Go check out some other devo and get a life.
Devo is Really Really Good - Just Buy It!
By RussNotHunter
Wow, I forgot the musical impact these guys had on my life as a teen! I still have my yellow radiation protective suit and red pyramid hat somewhere. Brilliant marketing / music back then, and still very great today. These guys music is so unique and wavy (or punky) and cool, I still crank the tunes and rock out like it was brand new - as long as the kids aren't around..
Would have liked to see more tunes from their earlier and more raw albums, but this is GREAT STUFF! Finally something good out of Kent State...
The best
By Mr.rej
Way ahead
By Reveiwer that's me
Yay Devo!! Everyone has to love these guys!
go punk
By Tonchas
always liked these guys
the best
By Hdjs
True Leaders...
By mr marley
This is a great collection of DEVO Songs. Glad it is finally here on iTunes.