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Title Artist Time


  • Juve

    By iLLaFoRiLLa
    Juve droppin beats like this and the raw lyrics, u can't help but turn it up!! This songs is off the hook killin'em!!!! Ta all ya haterz out there find somethin else ta hate on cuz this is a HOTT JOINT!!
  • Jay Z!!!!

    By Pacificoduck
    We need your help! Make a new song and call it Death of Annoying Repetetive Crap......
  • Classic!

    By Chi-K
    Early hints seemed to suggest that 'Gotta Get It' could be a turning point for Terius Gray aka JuVeNilE. Fueled by the destruction of his native New Orleans, Juve seemed ready to let the world feel his wrath. Instead, 'Gotta Get It' hardly breaks much new ground.  It's diverse, hip, and complex rhythm is prepared to musically stimulate anyone in it's path.  People! do you understand how much butt and bling Juvi is going to get because of platinum deserving masterpiece!?!?!?!?  I feel like this track could possibly replace the National Anthem in a couple decades, as well as the theme song to every TV show.  Juvi is groovy!
  • garbage!!!!!!!!!!!!

    By yang smithers
  • ...?

    By Lord Lockhart
    Had Higher Hopes for him...songs kinda weak
  • it's good.

    By ThomasMontalbano
    not great. not his best, try agin juvinile
  • He's Back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    By $$$JTG$$$
    ya'll should get his mixtape music.
  • Really Really poor

    By BXX32
    I've heard songs with lyrics just like this before, and there's no talent at all in "Gotta Get It" What can't a great artist like Juvenile make better music? This song is really lame.