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Title Artist Time


  • Catchy B-side! Great A-side!

    By Hinomaru
    This is one of the few singles where most people like the B-side MORE. When I first hear Amai Wana, I was blown away. If you can only get one of these songs, get that one. EVERYDAY Zekkouchou!! is still a great song, though, but not as upbeat or danceable as Amai Wana.
  • Good

    By colin72193
    Recomed getting Amai Wanna! I bought it and LUV it! It's upbeat, catchy (not the kind that gets stuck in your head), and makes me wanna dance!
  • YAY!!

    By H!P fan
    Yess!!! I was so worried that iTunes wasn't going to upload any c-ute songs anymore....but now they got this one and I'm soo happy!!
  • crap

    By KiraRuya
    no longer a fan of there's at any shape of form it was messed up when H!P can Kanna just cause they can. Erika leaves cause lost of her friend . She said she wants to be a model but do you know why. I am never going to buy any more music form C-ute. This is the last year of C-ute anyhow. There going to dissband next year.
  • C-ute Forever...

    By CantoPop
    The teen group is growing up and with Erika Umeda (Top, right)leaving the group, this is a must have single...