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Title Artist Time


  • A/typical

    By Cbag
    Josquin des Pres alongside Nancarrow, Ligeti, Autechre and Mochipet? Call it blasphemy, call it kitsch, call it what you want. There's no denying the quality of arrangements and musical execution, as well as the sheer range of styles, emotions and rhythmic textures on display. I give it a 4, just because the album seems to suffer a few missteps and lacks overall cohesion. Then again, that's kind of the point. Well worth a listen. Most tracks are worth a second and a third.
  • a steller program from a steller group.

    By Boolez
    Alarm WIll Sound shows once again why they are one of the premiere new music groups touring today. Rather then finding a niche sound or composer to develop a fetish,this toupe goes to the far reaches of the globe in search of new sound worlds to explore. The playing is tops, the recording sound is good and all is now well with the world. Def worth the download. -Bz