By IrishPrincess94
i love it it is such a good song way better than there other stuff keep makeing songs like this plzzz love love fav song of all time
Who Cares
By calv527
Let em sell out. They are probably making a lot more money now.
For every "true" old school fan that they lose with this new genre, they gain many many more.
Like it or not, this is a good club song. Deal with it.
three six owns once again
By B1G R3D 0NE
when i bought it i was looking for another song, but this one was by far the greatest
sort of like drop it low though
but i like that song too
Terrific negated.
By kelkelkel3
This just goes to show how far the African American race has excelled..
Shake my!
By jj567
Three 6 Mafia is takin over seriously. They got another good song out in less than one year since they released their latest CD. The song is so good. I heard it and I had to buy it right away. Buy the song. It's awesome!!! It's definitely a song to put in the clubs. I could dance to it over and over again. Keep em comin Three 6 Mafia.
By Willexe
i just heard this song in the club last friday and once it came on everybody went crazy! such a hot song i love it!
Three 6 Mafia Can Do It All
By Cameroonie
They can rap and make good dance music!
This is by far one of my favorite songs by them!
By bribri777
Not 36
By Dat Mane
This is not 36! Come on they need to bring their old style back because this is not M Town North North Hood music
that $hit is bout as good as a poopy flavored lolli pop
By ej20091029
old skool triple 6 is where real mafia is what happened after they won the oscar they r just mailing in everything. paul and j come on yall are better than this. Where is the Bud, Slob on my Knob, Sippin on Syrup, Tear the Club Up. Check these out and see what all real 3 6 fans are talking about.