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Title Artist Time


  • Garbage

    By Neon Telephone
    LOL I cannot believe this album is $11.99. It's horrible and I wouldn't pay .99 cents for it
  • no, no, no

    By Tavanato
    Art is expression. I get it. Someone I am sure likes this performer - he and I have many nights together...so I was alone, that is not the point. Here is the point - if I were going to make out and want mood music in the background - this would be something I would use to get the guy to leave.
  • OMG

    By Matteo 3381
    This is awful....unthinkably awful. The record label that released this needs to take a long hard listen before they release something like this. Its literally painful to listen to.....
  • It's not that bad!!!

    By Eghoosier2
    I think it falls short of his first CD, but let's face it, the man CAN SING!!!! I hope this CD doesn't take away from his future endeavors because I think he has some TREMENDOUS vocal ability!!!! Much props to him and his team!!!
  • I lol'd

    By Justin Rogers
    I was looking for the Britney Spears track "Trouble" when I stumbled upon this err... gem of an album. I couldn't even be brought to download it for laughs. I listened to the previews, couldn't really recognize most of the songs they sound so different (read: awful) from the originals. Seriously. Who let this happen? I hope someone got euthanized for letting this album see the light of day.
  • 1 word

    By 1,2,3.. puke
  • An A for Effort I Guess

    By JLeeJr
    UNDER THE COVERS is an admirable effort by Mr. Ford to establish himself as a singer. However, the production has all the warmth of a broken computer chip, and Ford's voice, while pleasant, has no distinct qualities. He can sing, but so can fifty other soap opera leading men. And presenting Sade's evergreen "By Your Side" as a disco song is a no-no, while r&b classics "Show Me Love" and "It's No Crime" should have been completely left alone (Robyn S. spirited performance on the former song simply cannot be topped by ANYONE). Mr. Ford would probably excel if he made a slinky, downtempo dance album (think SOS Band's classic "Just Be Good To Me") and tone down the sex act because sometimes a simmer is sexier than a boil.
  • Rediscovered the Robyn Covers

    By DanceMusicNow
    I absolutely love the remakes of Robyn's Show Me Love and With Every Heartbeat. Mike Andrews Sex I T U N E S
  • It

    By luisdanielmc
    I did like this album, even more than Tug of War. His version of Show Me Love and By your Side are great. Gym stuff for my Ipod Shuffle... Keep it up!
  • No! Nada! Nix!

    By Xliontamer
    Colton Ford doing Nirvana? If he had a pair, he would join an indie art rock band, or an Brazilian polka band, or anything but what we would all expect. He's fishing around in the House - Club music genre trying to score some attention. Stop ruining classics. I thought he was great in his previous career. He should go back to that.