By KareenWinterLabrador
Keeps me focused.
5 Stars
By Alex Dunham
Anyone that dislikes this artist. I don't understand your logic.
By Forrestkillough
Why is this "explicit" ?!?
Dead Like Me
By Say-R
Dead Like Me is a freakin miracle!!!
By Mqusse
Explicit because you get mindf**cked haha.
fresh beats
By dubstepdan-o
def some great beats to just kick back and chill to. props to mimosa.
Explicitly Corrupting Your Mind
By sheracoke
These songs are all so freakin bada$$ that they don't want children listening to them. Even though they have no lyrics. lol.
By RHCP504
this guy knows what he is doing
- WHOA -
By kaizur
......... My 4 foot floor speakers are now literally laying horizontal on the floor, sweating buckets and asking for more. They're addicted to the stuff; it would be sad, but F.T.A.M.F. & ETG pulse, spit, click, swoon, drip, tick and lick their electric veins like a black hole and a star gone supernova having a breakdance battle in the Orion nebula.
The cops outside, that my neighbors probably called because they thought aliens landed and had a rocket-fuel induced orgy with some robots in my living room, are about to call in the S.W.A.T. when I help these speakers back to their feet and push play.
Anyway, Mimosa, you have v a p o r i z e d whatever musical shell you've been hiding in. Electronic music has been stumbling it's way forward with wayward formula's, few breakout and stand apart. This break-beat-dub-step-rip-stop-rock-&-roll-liquid-lazer juice is tasty. My speakers are already jonzing for the next thing. Bang on, found your niche with this one. Nice Flux.
excellent tunes
By Warren Porter
... need I say more... check out their new SYOP album "58 degrees" and help Japan relief.