By AidanMReviews
Okay, this is not Slipknot's best song. Before I Forget and Psychosocial are better; but then comes Dead Memories. This is an amazing song.
Best ever
By Itachischneider
So slipknot has the best songs ever and the quality of them on iTunes is perfect! I highly recommend this!
By dagg3r 7
it is what it is; dead memories, accept it's the shorter 4minute version, and it sounds a bit wierd if you are used to the 4 and a half minute wersion
What happened?
By wright82
Anyone remeber Iowa? people=$hit? this is single is the dingle berry hanging off the @ss crack of Iowa. What happened to the anger? What happened to the intensity? The 5 star rating is because nobody ever really looks at the one star reviews.
Chris Lord-Alge Mix
By blindtiger
The only difference between the single and album version is, the single version was mixed by none other than Mr. Chris Lord-Alge, the make it sound balls to the walls radio/single guy. To most, you would never hear a difference. To some, you can hear a more clear and well defined mix. Up to you if you want to spend the extra cash, but for my ears... worth it. It's only $0.99 and it's a great mix of the track.
Not the best song slipknot made
By DeathDNA
Love Dead Memories but the guy below me is wrong Dead Memories is no were close to being the best song slipknot made. so F**K YOU
The Dark
By Dazaink
Well, Slip Knot is sick and all check out the new band The Dark. It rips it up fer sure!!!!!!
im so in love with this
By Kristy<3<3
i use it for a great time :D its mai favorite song by slipknot <3 enjoi
By wowst
dead memories is one of the better slipknot songs ever made it has a touch of lightnes to it at the same time it has a touch of lonleness.
one of the best
By DemocratCat
this is one of my favorites in the cd