Baby Bash Never Disappoints
By DodgersRaidersLakersJackson5
Baby Bash Brings New, Fresh Music
Great hit!!
By Hotlatinboy25
This song is amazing!!!... Great song collaboration.. Baby Bash and Pitbull should keep making clubber hits!!... Luv this song!..
By PinkSassieCassie
This sound is great! Get's me ready to go party
hate that I love it
By La Musiqe
3 facts:
Hip-hop should be about the lyrics, not the beat.
Auto-tune should never be used in music.
The lyrics of a hip-hop song should not be about the exhausted topic of money.
But although this song is about the beat, uses auto-tune, and has lyrics about money, I can't help loving it. With people like Soulja Boy, I think that they could be good, I just have to dig deeper. But there's no deeper to dig. With Baby Bash, you don't need to dig.
By *SADiE-lU*
THiS sONg iS sO SiCk :P
i LOvE iT...iS sOCh A GUd jAM
<3z bAbY BASh ANd PiTbULl ;)
tHEy ArR hOTt
best he ever had
By nickmmmm
WOWWWWWW!!! The best song I have heard in a while... Pitbull rockin it out with monkey's and Baby Bash doin his thang!!! Great hip hop this year
great song- no doubt bout it! but...
By PorkiPine
I really like this song!
"i dont need no love, all i need is the DJ"
it's a good song! hope you agree.
its funny thou, this whole time i thought
this song was by B.E.P. (black eyed peas).
well, im dumb!
By Seanold1
Best song ever
By 559Redd559
love this song!!
By GrayBGirl500
Baby Bash and Pitbull is a really good mix. This is a fantastic song. I like part that goes: "I don't need no love all i need is the dj." Great song. Buy.