Their Music Will Definately Put you In the Mood
By PrettyLady65
When I listen to their music, it makes me want to do some things and have some things done to me. Every song they have made has been a jam. I wish they would come back out with some new music.
Why is this categorized under rock?
By Nypoison
I played the hell out of this album way back when. :)
It had to be you
By Rosita09
wow i so remember this song got to have it
Old school
By shyshy808
I remember this album. Specifically freak me, and girl u for me. I love love love this album.
i argee
By vivian bryan
with this one is good one come people this is real back in day music gotta to get come people come
The Best
By Tro44
This Album Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!
Girl U For Me + Freak Me + Lose Control+ Happy Day = Blow Out!!!!
Get Girl you For me, if you are looking for a nice Slow Jam Love Song. I Gave to You, is also a Nice slow song.
Get Happy Days and Freak Me for that New Jack Swing Feel.