she so-so
By yeah it was good
i mean well bein new is a concept to recognize but i kinda get what shes sayin. technically shes sayin shes new and fresh and i admire her for that
what a great song!!!
By Justin Del Rey
I saw the video on TV and I absolutely loved it!!!! it was a great song so I bought it!!!! It does not dissapoint! :)
I <3 This Song!
By gfhsrutrunjzsj xx
Perfect pump up song for a night out for the single girl (: For any girl who's ever wanted a guy and been left in the dust, only for them to beg for them back later. This song just hit the radio and it is soooo good! Definitely worth the price.
Give it a few spins
By Bryan.Ariza
It's starting to grow on me! I think it gets better over time!
By hamed123
Talk about a blow-out. Has anyone actually heard of this girl? I have not and I am glad I haven't!