Trip hop not really jazz
By nknamelain
I like many others came across Blue Foundation from Twilight.... I'm so glad something good came out of that movie! I didn't care much for their newest album that "Eyes On Fire" is on, at all. This one is by far my favorite. After listening to their older music I very quickly purchased 33 & Dead People's Choice. It's been the trip hop that I have been looking for. Great to lounge and relax to.
Great Trip Hop
By Omninico
I came across this band when Portishead was still making albums with singing in them. They were really good the cd i had isn't on itunes. I just rediscovered them last week, and this cd is great. All of their music is good. They seemed to have really evolved. This cd is great!!
Worth the money
By reilcool
i like this album. i would recemond definitely recomend it if you are big into alternative music.
By HS_10
well, i've never heard of this band. I guess they're okay-ish.........