Bohemian Ballet...
By mn2nmixr
Awful. Sounds like a cat being run through a press. Terrible. Jarring. Worse than fingernails on a chalkboard.
By Ohunclepaul
My god. I've worn out so many copies of this album. For the first two years of my son's life, this was the album that played softly in the background in his room as he slept. Now he's 14 and to this day we both adore the music from it. There ain't a bad song in the entire lot. However, "Freedom Cry" has always stood out from the first time I heard it. One of these days I may luck out and find the English translation to its lyrics. Until then I can only speculate even though it still resounds through my spirit.
Deep forest
By B-rad10010
I suggest deep forest to any one who appreciates good soolful classical music because deep forest is the best I've ever herd in my life! Thank you so much deep forest for your music and the wonderfull memory's I have from listing to your album with my brother!