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Title Artist Time


  • Excellent.

    By Ken88s
    I downloaded the cover of Dear Mr Fantasy first and listened to it on repeat. It seemed better than the Traffic original Then, finally the whole album. I’m usually not a fan of 80’s or 90’s, but this one is loose, flowing, melodic. Vocals are sometimes less than perfect but the overall mood and enthusiasm overrides any weakness. It’s really good.
  • Pittsburgh, Pa Spring 1989

    By funbebop
    I didn't have a ticket but went to the "parking lot scene". There were many heavy handed police and the civic center was literally broken into by "Deadheads" . I think the performance reflected this, it is rather calm-esque but it is played very accurate i.e. no clams, mis cues , etc. This is the best sound quality out there; downloadable audience sources are very marginal at best. I won't say it is the best shows of 1989 but it was the beginning of a grand upheaval for the rest of 1989 till the end of the Brent era of 1990. I've seen the GD over 30 times and have thousands of hours of concerts, etc.
  • Very uneven

    By DBonhoeffer
    Although there are some gems on this, overall it is extremely uneven, and the sound quality in particular on too many cuts is poor-tinny at times, too often sounds like AM radio from the bad old days with no depth. To add insult to injury, several of the better cuts were "album only. To be clear, mixed with some of the disappointing tunes are some terrific numbers (leading me to wonder what exactly might have been going on with the Dead, and/or the recordings, on these two nights. So if you saw these shows or otherwise feel this volume adds something you can't find elsewhere, I guess good luck, but overall it's underwhelming, with many better, and better-sounding, live Dead options available.
  • Great, well played shows IMHO

    By danielinvt
    Great shows, The only thing that bothers me is that the songs are out of order. I know I can fix it but its kind of annoying.
  • Dissapointed

    By Notfdeaway
    Wish I would've listened to the reviews...I bought this because I loved the set list but they are definitely not at their best.
  • Grateful Dead Download Series Vol. 9

    By HD28v
    Probably the worst recording of the dead I have and I have hundreds of them. Jerry does not sound enthusiastic at this gig and the vocals are very un-dead. It's like they didn't want to be there that night. At times I had to remind myself who I was listening to. Almost gave it one star but, heck it's the Dead.
  • OK for a souvenir, not the best years IMHO

    By El Chulo de la Muerte
    I am not much for out of breath Jerry. This is when the band was going on inertia. Personally very few momnets of Brilliance after '81. Brent's singing is grotesque, amnd so are his dated 80's synthetizer playing
  • Stardust...

    By Dragon with Matches
    Those were some rough years for the band, especially Jerry. The music was uneven, but the sprinkling of stardust was always still there. We went to the shows for those moments of brilliance. They were and still are magically transportive. There are many here. Long live the Grateful Dead!! And thank you!!
  • Crappy live song

    By Alvis1955
    Should have listened to a short clip before purchasing
  • Rock

    By Sonicthe11
    High energy show. I was there and it's a blast to hear it again!