Jake Shimabukuro: Live - Jake Shimabukuro

Jake Shimabukuro: Live

Jake Shimabukuro

  • Genre: Pop
  • Release Date: 2009-04-14
  • Explicitness: notExplicit
  • Country: USA
  • Track Count: 20



Title Artist Time
Trapped Jake Shimabukuro 2:42
Piano - Forte Jake Shimabukuro 3:06
Bach Two - Part Invention No. Jake Shimabukuro 1:00
Me & Shirley T. Jake Shimabukuro 5:39
Spain Jake Shimabukuro 2:48
Five Dollars Unleaded Jake Shimabukuro 3:26
Let's Dance: Prelude Jake Shimabukuro 2:27
Let's Dance Jake Shimabukuro 5:19
Talk Story I "Michael Jackson Jake Shimabukuro 0:29
Thriller Jake Shimabukuro 4:04
Orange World Jake Shimabukuro 3:29
Wes On Four Jake Shimabukuro 3:37
Talk Story II "Thirteen-String Jake Shimabukuro 0:12
Sakura Sakura Jake Shimabukuro 5:19
Dragon Jake Shimabukuro 3:17
Yeah. Jake Shimabukuro 3:04
Talk Story III "From Ukulele D Jake Shimabukuro 1:00
While My Guitar Gently Weeps Jake Shimabukuro 6:18
3rd Stream Jake Shimabukuro 5:13
Blue Roses Falling (Hanahou) Jake Shimabukuro 5:59


  • An exeptional musician

    By trekking.teacher
    Shimabukuru is an exceptional, surprising musician. I had the opportunity to see him live when he opened David Benoit in So. Cal. His music is absolutely breath-taking.
  • Really iTunes?

    By Ptrck11
    I love Jake's music and I'm all for buying this whole album, which I just did.. but I couldn't help but notice the fact that it's 99 cents for a 12 second song.. come on iTunes, be fair. This is why people just decide to steal music, it's easier.
  • Awestruck

    By Der Hammerhai
    If you get the opportunity to see Shimabukuro perform live, GO. You get so much from his show. A stellar performance and a musical lesson all in one. I found him when surfing the net for Lyle Ritz. What a find!!!! The best thing about this musician is that he tries to see what can be accomplished within what some would call the confines of the ukulele. There's a limited register--and yet he accomplishes so much. Jazz, classical, classic rock, BLUEGRASS, 80's pop, percussive use of the strings and uke, flamenco... It's amazing! He's stretching the boundaries of the ukulele. Leave your grass skirt at home! (I can type that b/c I have one.) The Bach is great. Look for him in an upcoming film on Bach. What talent!
  • JAKE's The MAN!

    By All We Are Saying...
    Way back in the way back - we used to listen to a Hawaiian Boy Band called PURE HEART... They were sort of Hawaii's version of Boys to Men / New Kids On The Block... They had a whole lot of Aloha Spirit & a lot of FUN! You know - how it is when you spend your life on a tropical island playing in the SUN! Jake was Pure Heart's Heart & Soul... A Ukeulele Savant for sure... We refered to him as; "Jimi Hendrix on the Uke' " Well many years later - Jake has grown up... & like a fine wine - he has matured into one of the most spectacular musical talents in the world! You think I'm exagerating? Pour yourself something cool - position yourself in a sun drenched relaxing spot & take a listen... If by the end of "JS LIVE" you don't agree - your next Mai Tai is on me... see you @ The Moana Surfrider Beach bar @ SunSet - you can buy me a Mai Tai if you like... Oooo & if the aloha karma is shimmering with the trade winds - we might catch Jake Live.... hahahaha That's the great thing about Hawaiian music - no matter how big they become - they'll still play the local gigs - & stay humble while blowing your mind. Jake's Live is a Laid-Back Hawaiian Time Aloha Spirit CLASSIC - Shaka Brah... Thanks Jake - You're The MAN! Keep Strumming those Tunes... I'm Loving every Note! MAHALO :~)
  • Saw him in concert and .... WOW!!!

    By Mr. 2e
    This man is fantastic!! He is a ukulele savant! The day i got back from Hawai'i (to Alaska mind you) i went to a concert...and i don't mean to sound juvenial, but he blew my mind. His musical genius is overrun merely by his easy going attitude. Thank you Jake, the live album is wonderful!

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