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Title Artist Time


  • JW rocks.

    By mncaribou
    I bought a cassette of "Nothing But a Breeze" back in 1978 and totally fell in love with Mr. Winchester's music - the amazing songwriting, absolutely gorgeous voice, and the musical sensibilities. I never forgot his name or how much that cassette meant to me, long after I wore it out and went for years without hearing him. Then last year I went on I tunes and downloaded the album again. I was amazed at how current the arrangements felt, not dated at all, they held up big time. Then I saw him on Elvis Costello's show and was blown away all over again by that sweet voice, guitar, songwriting....everything. I also heard him on "Mountain Stage" recently. I'm so glad he's getting this recognition and that more folks are getting turned on to this wonderful human being/musician/poet/gift from heaven.
  • Soul

    By dpse
    Every so often the soul of this country appears. Jesse's version of Sham-a-lam-ding-dong on Spectacle was one of those times. That performance defines beauty and soul and melancholy.
  • Jesse Sings on Elvis Costello's Show

    By ChillerTheater
    I heard Jesse sing "Sham-A-Ling-Dong-Ding" on the Elvis Costello Show and it brought me to tears. After rewinding and rewatching the performance ten times, I was devastated by his poignant delivery and the narrative. Listen to the words, man. They mean so much more than...well, the words. It's the same feeling you get watching the opening sequence in the movie "Up!" where the show a couple's life from a photo album in four minutes. Your hear the pain, the wisdom, the joy and the journey from a master storyteller. If you have a chance to see Jesse sing it on Elvis's show, he performs it with nothing but his old, scratched up acoustic guitar. The audience is stunned. And, more importantly, the other performers sitting next to Jesse up on stage are frozen in the moment as his words and music take us on a beautiful, gentle journey. Near the end of the song, the camera pushes in on the singer seated next to Jesse--a tear rolls down her face as she chokes back the emotion. When it ends, Elvis says that Jesse just decimated him now and in rehearsal with the song. What I learned about this man is that he released his first album the same year that James Taylor and Van Morrison released their first albums. But, Jesse followed his conscience and left for Canada to protest the Vietnam War and never received the public aclaim of those other artists. What a shame. You are a treasure, Jesse! Thank you for your artistry. It lifts me up. Bless you!
  • Some get better with age

    By TulsaJimmyO
    This is probably as good as Jesse gets... Two classics here.... His appearance on Spectacle on the Sundance Channel should help his sales of Sham-A-Ling-Dong-Ding.. Its the best he's ever done it... Equal to this recording... Loved all the work here ... Good for him.
  • Take a Ride With Jesse

    By stringduster
    I've been a fan of Jesse's music ever since 1970. If a songwriter's job is to take you on a musical journey, the Jesse and I have ridden many a mile together. It's not surprising that LOVE FILLING STATION is so good. What's surprising is how long it took to get here. Songs like Sham-A-Ling-Dong-Ding take you to a place I remember well. Even if you're too young to remember days like these, it doesn't matter. Stop at Love Filling Station, fill up the tank and let Jesse take you for a ride........fasten you seat belt!
  • Love Filling Station

    By Antaeas
    I first heard his music in 1970, on record and at the Yellow Door in Montréal. His catalogue is full of great tunes, great performances, great good grace and gentle humor. The new album is a pleasure! Here's to it, and many more years of great music.
  • Love Filling Station

    By 26 friend 62
    Jesse, I love you! You still got it, baby! I could listen to you all day and all night. So sweet and sincere, I feel like I found an old friend that I lost touch with.
  • Love Filling Station

    By Joe Buddy
    I discovered Jesse Winchester in 2008 at the Sisters Folk Festival in Sisters, Oregon. I thought I had made the musical discovery of a life time! His deeply southern roots were apparent in his music and lyrics. I've never experienced an artist with so much humility and genuine appreciation for his audience. I went on iTunes and bought all of Jesse's albums. In his newest release (April, 2009) Love Filling Station, he brings even more of his fine writing to life. I especially enjoy "Bless Your Foolish Heart," "Stand By Me," and the greatest song I've heard in a long time, "Sham-A-Ling-Dong-Ding." It's even better alive! "I Turn to My Guitar" is a song that guitarists will certainly identify. "Loose Talk" that features Claire Lynch really shows off Jesse's writing skill for the bluegrass genre.
  • The best

    By Chris V Stuart
    Jesse Winchester is simply the best songwriter alive and possibly the best singer. . . I saw him live in a one-man show in San Diego and it was the best show I've ever seen. . . enough superlatives, just listen and enjoy. . . .
  • Love Filling Station

    By Rhumba Man
    Jesse Winchester has re-emerged with brillient love songs. His simple, vulnerable, Southern Gentleman style it at its best.