Far from inclusive
By Stratman12677
I first heard Genesis in December of 1973 and I was fortunate to see them in concert twice in 1974 and every tour since then up until the "Mama" tour which sucked and every tour after that equally sucked. Banks, Hackett, Rutherford, Collins (and Gabriel) were some of the most talented musicians ever. With the departure of Hackett after Wind and Wuthering the band went from prog rock to pop. It's hard to find a great Genesis album after Wind & Wuthering and Seconds Out (the best live album of all time) The Platinum Collection misses their earlier work.
A Smattering Of Greatness
By Jimenides
I am sorely disappointed that I am just now becoming aware of the greatness of this band. This is technical, riveting music and I wish I had this in my life years ago. This serves as a great primer for people wanting to get into Genesis. It certainly did the trick on me.
Where is the entire Lamb LP?
By Fnj1976
You can purchase only in UK store, but not US? What gives?
Not complete ...
By Petshopcheats
Some of the songs seem to have been sped up or compressed - that's disappointing. Checked the song durations against the main albums. Also missing earlier Peter Gabriel classics.
Too Phil
By nocrickets
Yeah, I'm an early Genesis snob. They were at their peak when "Genesis Live" was recorded, coasting on a nice plateau with "Selling England," plunged into the mire of the dreaded rock opera with "Lamb," and most everything post-Gabriel is a wan echo of their heyday. So this very Phil-heavy collection just does not do it for me. A true "platinum" collection would bring together all the best live recordings (they were always at their best live) up through the few good tracks on "Lamb," and certainly include a few of their very best songs left off here like "Watcher," "Hogweed," and "Get 'Em Out by Friday." It'd be a much smaller collection, but a much, much better one… Also, although I consider "Lamb" their downfall, I do have to ask, like so many others, why isn't that on Itunes?
The Lamb
By JoeC76
While this is a good collection of hits and itunes does have some gabriel era genesis available how can itunes not offer the greatest album by genesis "The lamb lies down on Broadway" it needs to be available, I need to be able to download "The Cage"
The album I want...
By Raintide Bunnyfox
The album I sought is just not here...
Why is "The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway" not available for purchase? One of the best albums by Genesis, pre-Collins era is unattainable through the convenience that is iTunes.
Apple, iTunes... Please fix this issue.
Ok… but...
By The FourMinerz Expert
Could we get the entire album of The Lamb Lies Down On Broadway? Yes? Thank you.
We want da Lamb
By StilRockin
I would have given this Genesis Album 4 1/2 stars-I couldn't do it or that's the rating I would have given this eclectic collection of
euphoric & for me, a trip back to a time when Genesis wasn't mainstream (which is the reason I was enamored with them). I first saw them play in the very early 70's-they opened for a band called Rennaissance at MSG in N.Y.-and blew them away. While most of my friends were still listening to AM radio and the Monkees, u cud find me cutting school, searching for some obscure address in some unknown attic or basement, tracking down Genesis bootlegs. I was only 11 years old. I do have to agree with the very first review tho-it's got a few good songs, a couple of GREAT songs like The Msica Box, Watcher of the Skies & of course thier Armageddon flavored Suppers Ready. But c'mon guys GIVE US THE LAMB LIES DOWN ON BROADWAY!!! No self respecting Genesis collection is complete without the Lamb!! When are you guys gona stop teasing us with a song here, a song or two there?! Release a THE LAMB AND GIVE US SOMETHING THAT WE CAN REALLY SINK OUR TEETH INTO-GIVE US PETERS LAST GROUP ALBUM AND THE FANS WILL FINALLY BE ABLE TO LISTEN TO IT THE WAY ITS S'POSED TO BE LISTENED TO. Please...
Love this album!
By TheMartinator
I am a huge fan of Phil Collins and Genesis and I am 20 years old. The album has some of their best songs. That's All, Mama, Carpet Crawlers, and Invisible Touch are my favorite tracks. Overall, just a great album, it never gets old!