Good not great
By Bobula
Love Somebody is one of Rick's Greatest songs. Don't Walk away and Bop Til You Drop were also hits. Bop not a great one but a hit all the same. Great lost art of Conversation is a great song as is Taxi Dancing. The rest of the album is filler. The guest artists seem pretty uninspired and the movie this is the soundtrack to is absolutely terrible. The album is worth the purchase price for Springfield fans.
Brings back great memories!
By Miss Lochness
Loved the movie & soundtrack.
Rick Springfield Hard To Hold
By Christie2313
A+ !!
it's about time....
By westvillage09
i own the 2007 remastered version on cd but i know a lot of people will be happy to see it's finally in "print" in the US again. Note that "Bop Til You Drop" is a different mix here than it is as the single version is on most rick compilations.
By DennisTheMenace1970
It's about time that this got released on iTunes! "Love Somebody" is, definitely, one of Rick's best songs - EVER, but don't forget the other decent tracks on this soundtrack album! "Stand Up" is that great concert number played at the beginning of this 1984 Rock star's a winner! Get it here!