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Title Artist Time


  • I saw Dylan and the Dead ‘95

    By jessk1977
    Admittedly I was only 17 and didn’t know what I was being lucky enough to experience until years later, although I always liked them, I didn’t LOVE them till my late 20’s. I don’t fancy myself a music ‘critic’ and don’t really care much about others who do. Music is tone experienced, not to be picked apart and judged. Unless you actually play a musical instrument you are just being an armchair quarterback, lolol!! Anyway, I absolutely adore I Want You, and this version is so much fun, the combo version really brings something special together, imho. I love all these musicians and have nothing bad to say about any of them or their music. Everyone has off days sometimes, especially if you tour and play almost constantly for DECADES! Lighten up and remember what you are so proud to be, a Deadhead! And if you are just getting into this music, I’m very happy you get a chance to hear these fine musicians play together, they are all icons and legends in their own way, even the people no longer with the band. RIP Jerry 🥲
  • Good Stuff

    By Jimi Bob
    Great songs, wonderful performers, not the best recording. But every so often I crank it up on a nice sound system, and you can really get lost in it. Obviously Dylan and the Grateful Dead have put out excellent work on their own for ages, but this is good stuff.
  • Underrated

    By olddogg
    I always heard this album was th worst live album ever. Not even close. The production values aren't great. They should have raised his voice level just a tad, but the performances are freaking great. They absolutley rip on Watchtower and Garcia little lead fills are just perfect. Queen Jane is hauntingly beautiful. The only song that is bad is Joey and only because you can't hear the lyrics that well.
  • ❤️

    By Trust and Us
  • Wait for the Bootleg series to put out a complete show

    By Krazi Kaskade
    I got to see Dylan and the Dead at Anahiem stadium and the show was great. Whne the album came out I rushed to buy it and then blah. Not a bad album but when I want to listen to Dylan I do not reach for this. At some point the Bootleg series will get to these shows and a masterpiece will be released. I can hope the same is true for the Dylan with Tome Petty & Heartbreaker shows. Until then save the money unless you have an uncontrolable need to complete a collection.
  • Dylan & The Dead

    By ikoo712
    Very much maligned over the years. Since I am a mark for both parties, I would love to hear more. Candidate for expanded edition.
  • For one track.

    By Damon Ford
    The best version of Knockin On Heavens Door ever!! FACT!!
  • Great Concert

    By MBB 57
    I enjoy this concert very much. If you are a fan of both of these artists you owe it to yourself to give this a listen. The Dead backing up Dylan! What more is there to say!
  • Ummm...no thanks.

    By Dr. Rojo
    Not working for me. I've got hundreds of hours of GD material and Slow Train is about the only song that has my attention.
  • People are you insane!?

    By Heartless crooner
    This is incredible. Bob Dylan and the Grateful dead! You cant get more iconic. This is a live album and I feel like I'm there. It's sheer psychedelic magic!