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Title Artist Time


  • Pigpen

    By deadheaddad123
    Pigpen died March 3 1973 so this was one of his last shoes. They were always great but never the same without him.
  • ❤️

    By Trust and Us
  • Exemplary

    By andrewzboard
    This is the sort of music that makes you pick up your own instrument and start playing. If it can energize me, the jaded Deadhead of thirty years or so, it will blow your fuses too. The fast version of They Love Each Other is worth the whole set. Nebraska and Utah got a real treat, and you have to wonder what kind of state the concertgoers took back to their homes. A positive one, I would say!
  • Amazing

    By dayer123
    this pick is amazing. I am usually a big fan of 76-78 but this is the best early 70's I've heard. better than Europe 72. Definately buy this. Great version of eyes of the world and going down the road feeling bad and he's gone
  • The Best Pick of 1973

    By dead_head_8503
    Usually i prefer late '73 over early, but feburary must have been one of those months! i've had 2-15-73 for a long time now, and its great (to put it in perspective - it was the most downloaded GD show from archive.org before 2006 when rhino put a stop to that) but these shows might be even better. almost every performance here is great, even the little filler tunes like jack straw and promised land. and i don't think ive heard a better playing in the band on any dicks pick; full of raw energy and garica and lesh are all over this one. could be the best version of '73 and rivals 8/27/72 in my book. dark star is a top 40 version. other highlights are numerous: an awesome not fade away>gdtrfb, china>rider, truckin>other one, big railroad blues to name a few. both eyes of the world are great too, though they are very loose compared to what the song would develop into later in '73 - it would be interesting to play these versions alongside say 12/6/73 and hear just how muc hthe tune developed in a year! if you get one release for '73 get this!