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Title Artist Time


  • Incomparable to her previous homeruns, but a still sufficient album

    By musicloversuckers1
    Kelis' new album 'Kelis was here' lacks the originality and spunk of her predecessors such as 'Tasty' and 'Kaleidoscope'. It also seems bloated, especially since the album has seventeen songs, not including the hidden track. Still, even when Kelis doesn't meet the mark, her albums are a whole lot better than other generic albums. 1 Intro (Interlude)- 3/5- Kelis always has an awkward start, but it fortunately lets up. 2 Bossy- 3/5- A sufficient song, but it's nothing more than that. Just a neat little song. 3 What's That Right There- 3.5/5- A nice, offbeat kind of vibe. I'm liking this track. 4 Till the Wheels Fall Off- 3.5/5- I like it, it has a more soul/R&B vibe. A recommended song. 5 Living Proof- 3/5- A decent song, that while doesn't have a sparkle to it, still is a cool song. 6 Blindfold Me- 3/5- It's a fun song, but the lyrics are cringe-worthy. A decent song, but nothing to write home about. 7 Goodbye- 3.5/5- One of the better songs on the album. A refreshment over the previous mentions. A nice little song. 8 Trilogy- 3/5- Nothing really "exciting" here, but I guess it does a satisfactory job. 9 Circus- 3/5- A really oddball. I'm not sure whether I like it or not, but it's just plain weird and queer. 10 Weekend- 3/5- A fun song but the lyrics are lost in the final song. Albeit the vocals are strong. 11 Like You- 3/5- This is not really Kelis' "style", but it's pretty sufficient. An okay song. 12 Aww S**t- 3/5- There's really no purpose for this song, besides cussing. It suffices, but nothing special. 13 Lil Star- 5/5- The real winner of the album. Perfect message, beautiful lyrics, and strong vocals. 14 I Don't Think So- 3/5- This song is actually okay. I do like it, although I think I've heard this song before. 15 Handful- 2.5/5- I really dislike this song. It's not a filler, but dangerously close to becoming one. 16 Appreciate Me- 2.5/5- The vocals are okay and the lyrics are kind of a throw-away. An alright song. 17 Have a Nice Day- 3/5- A nice closure to the song. It's pretty decent. Nothing too bad. Overall, Kelis is Here is a pretty sufficient album from Kelis. For seventeen songs, there's really no album fillers, which is good. Even though Kelis has done stronger in the past, this album is actually not half bad. 3/5
  • Not her best

    By Sakay
    This album has some nice songs on it, but it just sounds like a redo of some other artists songs, with just a few changes. It has no real originaloty, but her voice make everyhting better.
  • No Reviews?

    By JQB Shorts.
    Wow. For real? Bossy, Weekend, Blindfold Me, Lil Star & Aww S**t are all great. c'mon man