Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful
By OzMom
Aaron Thompson could sing the phone book and uplift my spirits! Saw him perform
on EWTN's Life on the Rock, and he gave me chills and tears. I could listen to
him all day. God bless him and his beautiful family. What a true example of real
true music from a real true God loving MAN.
By hithisisme
The first time I heard this song was when Aaron performed it at my Grandfather's funeral. I wanted to get it the first time i heard it! It is a great song and the whole album is amazing. Aaron has a strong, warm voice that compliments his heartfelt lyrics. I definitly recommend it.
By Evil_Greg
This album is so uplifting. I can listen to it on one of my worst days and know that God is with me!
The First Review
By pizrocks4ofyoutube
This album is good. Buy it.