Bahhhhh :|
By Violoncellist
I love their music anyway, but I really do miss the sound of the djumbe with the cellos... It was different. Now they just sound like Apocalyptica. That small element made them extremely unique.
Fron Central Park to iTunes... Amazing Group!
By Family-Bee
I first came across Break of Reality when I was transferring trains in NYC. Who knew subway terminals had such wonderful acoustics? A couple of days later, I spotted them in Central Park, playing near the Boat House. THis time I had the time to find out who they were and listen to more than half a song. Immediately addicted, I bought the physical version of this cd. and played it to death in my car, then later on my ipod.
THe musician line up has changed since 2004 when I first started listening, but the heart and soul of the group remains the same. Beautiful music that reminds us that Classical instruments are as vibrant a means of sharing emotion as they were 200 yeas ago. Plus you don't have to always have an electrical cord to hear them! Check out all of their albums. You won't regret it!
Break of Reality, a break from reality!
By BoR Fan!
Break of Reality mixes elements of classical, rock, and metal into an amazing musical performance that is well suited for audiences of all backgrounds. Their refreshing and invigorating music always hits the spot no matter what your mood is. Because every
song is uniquely different you never feel you are covering the same ground over again throughout the album. BoR is bound to leave you wanting more and that is great because they are getting ready to release their next album around May 2009 filled with new
and exciting music! Don't pass this band by without taking a look!