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Title Artist Time


  • Goodies...

    By Willy 2 da G
    You can be sure that when Cici talks about her 'goodies', she definitely isn't referring to her vocal abilities.
  • 👍

    By Score99
  • Everything!!!!!!

    Love it!!!!!
  • One of my favorite albums ever!!

    By randomperson724
    Ciara is an incredibly talented singer-songwriter and she deserves so much more recognition! She is among my top five R&B artists. I love all the songs on this album. While the first half mostly consists of sultry, dance-pop oriented R&B jams, the second half demonstrates her vulnerability and her views on what love is really about rather than just a relationship between two people. (I know this may seem like a strange thing to say, but the general feel of some of the songs on this album makes me feel like I am on a road trip, lol!) With regard to her vocals, I never really understood why people say Ciara can’t sing. I’ve seen videos of her singing live without any autotune at all and I’ve been blown away by her voice. She’s an amazing dancer as well. I feel like a lot of people underrate how difficult it is to sing and dance at the same time, and Ciara does a beautiful job of it without even needing to lip-sync. The last thing I want to address is just how much she reminds me of Beyoncé. More specifically, I think Ciara looks a lot like her (long black curly hair, brown skin), and the way Ciara dances reminds me a lot of her as well. Another thing to consider is that Ciara’s style of music is very similar to Beyoncé (pop- and hip-hop- oriented R&B music). Ciara’s 2004 debut album Goodies is a must-buy! It is one of my favorite albums ever and I’m sure anyone who is new to it will love it just as much, if not more, as I do!
  • ❤️

    By Trust and Us
  • Goodies Era

    By YungCubeOfficial
  • Yah you CIARA

    By wutyoumean?
    The PRINCESS is here We need people like her in our world STOP HATING HATERS How could you not like this???? Oh well, screw you I am not letting haters stopping me from enjoying this
  • SSdswasfAw

    By JBa11z
  • Ciara is great

    By KbCheetah
    Ciara is a great singer. I love all of her music and she is so pretty.
  • well...

    By Queen Satan
    considering the year this album was released it sounds a bit commercial and unoriginal