Hidden gem, “classic” doesn’t do it justice...
By Dan Navarra
If you like VH then you’ll love this little LP, I don’t know what prompted DLR to create this record but it’s a masterpiece. I remember when it came out, I was only 19 but immediately loved it…played the tape until it wore out, just buy it.
By Mairs1976
I originally bought this from one of those mail order record "clubs" back in 1985. I've since bought it on cassette, CD, and MP3. This was Dave's launching pad into what looked to be a stellar solo carreer. While the solo gig didn't really pan out, this along with a few other Dave solo albums are great for fans of DLR or VH in general. Diamond Dave goes into musical genres that Van Halen were never going to. All 4 songs on this EP could have been hit singles.
By Beerrun1970
sorry dave this album is killer but eat em'and smile absolutely blows this ep out of the water along with skyscraper......luv ya man keep rockin!
P.s. glad your back with the vh boys!
By Der Hammerhai
Diamond Dave had some fun hits! On the recent reunion sans Anthony, David Lee Roth looked just as HOT as he always did and was just as charismatic as usual. What ENERGY!!! LOVED THEM KICKS and JUMPS!!! He was amazing! The boy's got ca-RAZ-ma!!!! Miss those videos! MTV at its best...when it played music videos 24/7.
Best Album!
By W. Keith Cook
Although there is only 4 songs, this has to be one of the best solo albums of the 80's. This EP proved that Dave didnt need Van Halen to be at the top, he could do it by himself. Every song on this record is absolutly wonderful. It's very good riding-down-to-the-beach music. This music really shows that dave is one of the best entertainers and frontmen of all time.
Crazy From The Heat -EP
By madsquabbles
What Can Be Said About This That You Wouldn't Know If Your A Fan Of David Lee Roth. It Is So Classic David, You Can't Help But Love It. If You Have Never Listened To David Lee Roth Before This is A Great Start, Not So Much For The 'Great Music" Because He Has Made Far Superior "Songs" But Just As An Insight Into The Crazy, Wonderful Mind That Is David Lee Roth!!!