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Title Artist Time


  • stick to porn

    By nj623victory
    britney spears does music and she is good at it, you do porn and you were good at it, id say don't quit your day job

    By Carl Rishi
    If you think this is bad see him in real life on any street corner in NYC! performing live to $2.00
  • Even Auto-Tune Couldn't Save This Mess

    By MusicalSheep
    Should have just let Britney have it. Speaking as a studio musician, I have to say this was a tragic cover. If you listen carefully you can hear that some of the vocals were auto-tuned in the studio, yet much of it was still off-key. The pitch wasn't the right fit for his voice. And let's just face it... You don't cover a Britney song, especially if you're also a pop "artist."
  • Ouch !

    By MACK5O
    I like Colton but this song, yuck ! sorry buddy
  • I think this is pretty great!

    By MartyThomas
    Nice work Colton! Don't listen to the haters.
  • Better than Spears

    By johnnie dale
    So you want him to stick to films and let the talented people sing...well Britney is not one of the talented people. Thank god for studio mixing when it comes to Ms. Spears.
  • Colton rocks!

    By theglassboi
    This cover of Britney's "Trouble" is fantastic! With that said, does it take a lot to cover some of Brit's latest electro-dance tracks? No. But no matter what anybody thinks of Colton Ford as a person, the guy can sing. And he makes club music...I have to say, I love Britney and I think they are both distinct voices, but I think this may trump Brit's version...any day.
  • WOW not good at all...how dare u try and be britney

    By bryanwelch92
    this song works for her...well cause she is trouble...but u...never in your life try and cover a good song...ur not that good anyways...just sayin Have A Nice Day
  • Go Colton

    By rlchevy
    I love Britney but if you think she has talent outside the studio, you are sadly mistaken. She lip sings a good portion of her live performances. She also doesn't have a pure voice. Colton has a powerful, pure-toned voice of real talent. Listen to him sing without music and it shows.
  • Bad

    By Lamare
    He can sing well, but NOT on this. If cheap was what Mr. Ford wanted, that's what he's got. Britney Spears, beats him down when she sings this! And why is that? It's because he didn't even try. The "Colton A Pella" reveals a nasty voice effects that seem to tamper with the song before he sings even one note. Colton Ford sounds more compelling and capable when he sings his own SONGS. "No One", the Alicia Keys hit he also covered could've been great, it suffered from some of the same issues. Mr. Ford sang Signed, Sealed, Delivered a few years ago, with great results. Why can't "Trouble", a song with a Stuart Price beat and a simple vocal range, be better handled by a man who sang the much more difficult Steve Wonder classic with ease? I'm dumbfounded.