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Title Artist Time


  • Where's Nobody Said It Was Easy, and No Place To Hide? (Rewritten)

    By Mb-08
    NOTE: I rewrote the review. I should say, the whole album is awesome, too bad it's missing two songs (which I had to get myself. See title). A couple of things I want to point out: 1. From Cradle to Grave is more emotional than Murder (from "Never Fall Asleep" LP). 2. Pokkeherrie is the only Speedcore song in this album. 3. Nothing's new about Never Fall Asleep (Sounds the same. The only difference is that it cut a little short). 4. Murder, Extreme Audio, and Do You Like Bass (Tha Playah Remix) are mixed in this album. EDIT: 5. Rockin With The Best has that similar bass from their remix with Neophyte of Exlxaxl EDIT: 6. 2008 Skulls is a different title for Skull F**k, and it's by Masters Of Ceremony. All the other songs: Just Awesome for just music. 9/10

    By charger16
    this is an awsome album has the greatest songs off of evil activities